Sunday, February 15, 2009

Scene of the Crime

We had a mystery to solve this morning.

Clue number 1:

Clue Number 2:

Clue Number 3 (with distance shot for proper perspective):

Guilty as charged with the act of eating so much you get to fat to fit through your custom made kitcat door to get to the shitbox.
To the best of our mystery solving skills we figure she went through the door...and took the door frame with her. The frame was discovered across the street in a neighbor's yard. The good news, is she made her way out of it - she's been in the house as normal (in/out/in/out). Currently no hard feelings are being displayed - but we sure laughed alot when we figured out what must have happened. No need for concern yet - but if we start cutting holes for Olivia to crawl through to go to the bathroom may want to step in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok---so you thought the house you grew up in was kinda crazy??----OK, enough said. Thats hilarious