Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What a difference a year makes

No need to brave the long lines at the mall for this! We unexpectedly bumped into Santa while shopping for a birthday hat. Thats not surprise and excitment on her face...

She was lucky in one way - she got to play toys with Santa for a bit and that seemed to be a-okay but don't get too close...
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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Mrs. Robinson

Officially a graduate, the oldest in the class and it shows. Her next best friend is 6 days younger, then it drops off fast to several months. She and Dec 25th really have command of the room. They've explored every nook and cranny. I typically take part in 'school' sitting on the play kitchen or sky box stairs trying to coral my little mover and shaker. While the other babies try to roll over or sit up, Olivia is in and OUT of the ball pit 2 or 3 times. She made quite a splash in the ball pit recently - stopping the conversation with a belly flop - a shock for all.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Evergreen State - Sold Out

It might be Olivia's second xmas, but its our FIRST xmas tree (second ucut location attempt). After we cut it down I did the math and it will take 6 years to pay for a fake tree vs. going through this every year. And the storage oh the storage - we've got nothing left - so real tree it is.

Olivia is a holiday or two behind. She's more interested in the leftover Halloween candy than the xmas tree. I wonder...how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie-pop when you start from the wrapper?

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Smiles and Slobber

Its my dress and I'll slobber on it if I want too or cry which ever gets me picked up. Olivia wasn't digging picture day today. I'm very worried what professional picture day is going to be like. We've got the wardrobe, just need a willing model - she's very demanding!
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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Birthday Month!

Miss December is ready to party! She got out her sequins and is ready for a fantastic birthday month - not to be confused with xmas of course.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Seeing Red

Halloween is over, thanksgiving is behind us, time to put the orange and brown away and get out the RED! The stroller got an update for the season. All she needs is an integrated iPod for me to take credit for pimping her ride - all the other cars have it...
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Swimming in December

I'm considering switching up the holidays. Birthdays near xmas totally suck and as the saying goes "xmas in July". I'm thinking that might not be such a bad idea!
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Good lookin' bird

The most work on Tday we planned was figuring out which drive-thru to hit...but something got the best of me and I found myself at the grocery store and all these thanksgiving ingredients found their way into my cart. Very happy they did because this bird is perhaps my best yet. I've steamed a turkey I didn't give enough time to thaw, burnt one and must have undercooked one - but this time I finally got the perfectly browned skin figured out. I believe the secret to my success was room temp, right size and olive oil. Also, PBS and America's Test Kitchen. Olivia enjoyed Turkey the most, tolerated yams and basically liked green beans. She thought pumpkin pie and whip cream were worth the messy hands and took a bite or two. My favorite accomplishment this week is the use of a straw!! YAHOOO. I hate the sippy cups we live with they drip drip drip - but a straw - oh the possibilities. I might actually take her to a drive thru.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jail Bird

We finally got the baby gate, resistance was futile. The result is sooo nice. I sat on the couch about 5 seconds after it was installed and watched her crawl around the corner out of sight. Suddenly a sense of relief (instead of dread) passed over me as I remembered I could just stay put...she's in lock down. Ahhhh...but relief is short lived. A baby gate is great but it seems you can't do this....
'cause she'll do this....

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Ins and Outs

Just learning the ins and outs of pit ball...errr I mean the ball pit. This little contraption (who am I kidding - this ain't little) has been a real hit. We've all enjoyed it from time to time. Currently we are getting most of the laughs as we watch a swan dive into and out of 'the pool'. She's learning to stand unassisted - its the throwing herself over an object I'm concerned about. The crib rails were promptly lowered.
In addition to squirming in the balls, Olivia is quite adept at 'palming' a ball. Here's little Michelle Jordon at it now.
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Pictures are worth a thousand words....but video can be used to embarrass you forever!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

From Yoda, Luke and Leia.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The guy on the street got this picture perfectly - exactly what we wanted - to highlight the sign. Thank you very much streetwalker, next time I'll put a twenty in your box at the stoplight.Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sleep Wars

Our latest strategy to induce fuss-free bedtime is Triptophan. Olivia will eat - anything basically - chicken specifically is a favorite. Tonight we added turkey and laughed about the hopeful side-effect! Apparently Olivia has already devised her counter-attack. She taught us that kitcat also likes turkey - as she dropped pieces to a waiting dinner guest... We've NEVER fed this cat table food so this is all new and all Olivia. I guess at least we don't need to get a dog.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Spitting Image

...of parents at a wedding with a baby. You've seen them. The ones in pretty clothes carrying a baby drowning in silk. That was us - I bounced during the toast, rocked while they cut the cake and thought of what to feed a kid as I cruised the buffet line - suddenly my plate is not my own. I actually considered tossing her in the crowd for the bouquet toss. Whats the age limit for that...she's a single lady! I actually really wanted someone to play "all the single ladies" - I think she would have stood up and danced all by herself. Here we are at the end of the night. The parents look more tired than the kid - I'm not particularly in a picture kinda hair satisfaction mood. This wedding was outdoors - imagine heels, soggy grass, a tent, and a downpour - all features of this outdoor wedding (destination wedding Olivia...destination wedding...not fall in PNW) Did we get a single photo in her ruffle-butt tights, dupioni silk dress and patent leather Mary-Janes? Nope, nada - only a pic in her pjs ready for the drive home. She couldn't be more excited about the whole process.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quality Control

Olivia provided close supervision for the latest decor addition to her room.
I think the image speaks for itself - she's not satisfied with the final result!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

I think this is the one...

We didn't end up with this award winner, but we did keep the little pumpkin we already have, and found a few good candidates for the front porch.

78 days 10 hours and 8 minutes

Car keys, purse, lipstick, sunglasses - check check check - baby wipes, baby toys, baby...nope. We left those necessities at home for the first time in...well...a long time. A night out for dinner, drinks, a concert and adult conversation - that revolved around the baby! Jesse Cook was in town and it was the perfect time to head out sans Olivia.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Too-ffer

A two-for-one as they say is how Olivia delivered her first tooth (teeth). She was particularly a pain, which is not the norm, we thought - oh man the streak is ending! No more great sleeping, happy baby, dinner and independent play. She's been abducted by a whining awake at random hours alien. And then we figured it out - she has pain in her mouth (and a fever)! A couple doses of Tylenol and chewing on a pacifier (the wrong end...but still) and we discovered two bottom teeth starting to poke through. We can't lay a finger in her mouth unless she's sleeping, when I sit, rock and rub her gums. I just can't get over that mind game of where something you feel seems SOOO big, but with your eyes seems totally normal in size. And these things are hard - teeth hard! I'm so used to her mouth being full of soft gums. Hitting a tooth with the spoon seems so strange! Her favorite teething item is the blackberry - mom or dad variety doesn't matter - blackberry is enough.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

How many baby monitors does it take to...

It was another wild and crazy Friday night in the suburbs. We had generic beer, baby monitors, and Wii on the 100". We golfed, bowled, danced, boxed, walked the tight rope and did a little yoga. We had plans for some movies but we'd had so much to drink our neighbor was talking about how it was a good idea for him to cut a hole in his wall for a hall closet...it was time to call it a night. Besides we had to get home before the kiddos woke up and wondered where all the adults were!

I see another wood project in our future. We need a mini-pergola to house the screen. It should be about 3 feet deep and capable of holding plants that can cascade down for a lush jungle look - 'cause next year we'll have irrigation!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Here is the new 'bar' scene. A mom's night out with craftiness. I've always wanted to go to one of these places. The RSVP instructions requested participants to bring something to share. Most people brought a bottle of wine or some cheese and crackers...I brought Heineken. Turns out I was the hit of the party. I like wine, but when you are painting - just seems more like a beer event. Seems like some other mom's agreed! Olivia now has custom made drawer pulls just like in Anthropology magazine - only these weren't $22 each. I might end up buying the real those when I see how these turn out...
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