Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What a difference a year makes

No need to brave the long lines at the mall for this! We unexpectedly bumped into Santa while shopping for a birthday hat. Thats not surprise and excitment on her face...

She was lucky in one way - she got to play toys with Santa for a bit and that seemed to be a-okay but don't get too close...
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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Mrs. Robinson

Officially a graduate, the oldest in the class and it shows. Her next best friend is 6 days younger, then it drops off fast to several months. She and Dec 25th really have command of the room. They've explored every nook and cranny. I typically take part in 'school' sitting on the play kitchen or sky box stairs trying to coral my little mover and shaker. While the other babies try to roll over or sit up, Olivia is in and OUT of the ball pit 2 or 3 times. She made quite a splash in the ball pit recently - stopping the conversation with a belly flop - a shock for all.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Evergreen State - Sold Out

It might be Olivia's second xmas, but its our FIRST xmas tree (second ucut location attempt). After we cut it down I did the math and it will take 6 years to pay for a fake tree vs. going through this every year. And the storage oh the storage - we've got nothing left - so real tree it is.

Olivia is a holiday or two behind. She's more interested in the leftover Halloween candy than the xmas tree. I wonder...how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie-pop when you start from the wrapper?

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Smiles and Slobber

Its my dress and I'll slobber on it if I want too or cry which ever gets me picked up. Olivia wasn't digging picture day today. I'm very worried what professional picture day is going to be like. We've got the wardrobe, just need a willing model - she's very demanding!
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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Birthday Month!

Miss December is ready to party! She got out her sequins and is ready for a fantastic birthday month - not to be confused with xmas of course.

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