Sunday, November 09, 2008

Adventures in Crown Molding

Every weekend seems to be a new adventure in something around here. I'm becoming less foreman (one who would pick-up a hammer) and more project manager (slave driver). Today was all about crown molding. As with most things, there is more than one school of thought for how to get the job done. This can be illustrated by the materials list for this project:

crown molding
mitre saw
goop to fill the cracks

crown molding
mitre saw
coping saw
home built fixture/fence for cutting (seems to be all about the fixtures)

The precision difference between his and hers is very interesting. He prefers the coping saw - I prefer the goop to fill the cracks. The project isn't done, so far my favorite quote of the day is - "I'm going back to 45's - coping sucks". Its still early and he seems to be getting better at it.

I've learned not to laugh out loud at the "coping Master" as he prefers to be called now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need pictures