Saturday, December 16, 2006

Who turned out the lights in Seattle?

I was gone for the Storm in Seattle this past week. I didn't really think anything bad would happen, and it didn't, for me. But my friends have no power! We had a fabulous home cooked Italian feast last night - cooked with the power of a generator. Redmond is totally in the dark. I think Microsoft was closed a day or two without power! Downtown Seattle seems to be up and running but several outlying areas are still cold and dark 4 days after the storm. My friends mom, suffered the most, her master bedroom was hit with two humoungous Fir trees. She was huddled in the family room near the fireplace - thankfully far away from the master bedroom. WOW.
Dad you don't want to know this...but I drove under this tree last night on my way to the Italian feast. My friends live very close to this street - at the time the tree was precariously balanced over the street. There was this large sign that said do not enter/road closed? Curious - I just slipped right past it, plenty of room! On the way home, I took a back road to avoid getting killed by a 100 year old tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Driving a Corvette under the tree?