Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Blank. That is what happened to my mind during these shots. There is a time in your life when you will throw your underwear on stage for your favorite rock star - later you throw your babies at your favorite rock star. I wish I could say we shared a great conversation where I told him how much I enjoyed his music and my attachment to "Bartender Hook Me Up" but I can't. I was totally star-struck, mind was blank. I'm lucky the shots are in focus. The only thing I can remember is he smelled her head and said "mmmm smells good". You fans out there will recognize that statement from his live concert where he's said the same thing. Only difference is this was baby smell - not rock concert smell. For you non-fans out there...this is not a homeless man (as it may appear). ITS DAVE MATHEWS!!!! Turns out he likes the same coffee shop Olivia and I do. As the crowd started to thin out I heard this strange, but rather familiar grumbling low voice. I turned my head a bit and only got a slightly better earful of the grumbling low tones. I mouthed across the table to a friend "is that Dave?". My heart started racing as I read her lips say "yes". He was sitting right behind me. I have no shame - so when Dave (as I like to call him) got up from the table to get a coffee, I asked his table mate (his wife) if it would be okay to ask for a photo with the baby. I mean - who is going to say no to a baby?! She said he would be honored. When he returned, his wife helped introduce my request, I turned around and said "will you hold my baby" he said - "Why? Where are you going?" and I started taking pictures. It was such a chance encounter. I knew he lived here at least part time with his family and always hoped to 'bump' into him . What a great surprise that I would do it today! I just wish JR could have been there - he's the serious fan.

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